exceed healthcare

Closing the Coverage Gap in Acute Care

Exceed Healthcare offers a comprehensive acute care solution via real-time access to multi-specialty service lines.

24/7 Immediate care

Exceed Healthcare Telemedicine provides immediate live two-way audio-video exchange.

Improving Outcomes

Integrating telemedicine services for next-level bedside care improves patient outcomes, reduces mortality rates and length of stay rates, increases throughput and CMI, and is a transparent win for all parties.

Complementing In-House Patient Care

Direct access to clinicians with enhanced skill sets allows brick and mortar provider support and improves clinician and patient satisfaction.


With the push of one button, your team is connected directly to our specially trained critical care providers.


Our telemedicine solution replaces immobile and outdated equipment that is expensive to update. With no hardware investment for facilities, we remove the cost barrier to entry.

Hands On Implementation

In-person equipment deployment with a dedicated team of providers facilitates medical staff integration and familiarity.

Reducing the cost of care

Exceed Healthcare’s telemedicine services provides admissions, consults, rounds and specialty service lines, as a comprehensive model to reduce the cost of healthcare.

Improving outcomes

Integrating telemedicine services for next-level bedside care improves patient outcomes, reduces mortality rates and length of stay rates, increases throughput and CMI, and is a transparent win for all parties.

Get in Touch

Find us at the office

5605 North MacArthur Blvd.

Suite 740

Irving, Texas 75083

Drop us a line


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